Fly with us this year too

Sostieni con i Saving Angels il diritto alla salute di bambini e bambine in tutto il mondo.



Fly with us this year too

Sostieni con i Saving Angels il diritto alla salute di bambini e bambine in tutto il mondo.


Grazie al tuo aiuto il primo anno di progetto è stato un successo.

Continua a sostenerci per far volare sempre più bambini verso le cure di cui hanno bisogno.

logo Saving Angels
Rinnova il tuo impegno nei

Saving Angels

Sostieni il diritto alla salute di tutti i bambini gravemente malati.

‭Nel 2023‭ ‬abbiamo volato molto in alto‭, ‬grazie al sostegno dei nostri donatori più affezionati‭, ‬riuniti nell’esclusivo Club‭ ‬”Saving Angels”. ‬

Quest’anno ti chiediamo di sostenerci ancora per permettere ad altri bambini di raggiungere le cure urgenti di cui hanno bisogno.

Donando al progetto “In volo diritti alla salute” il tuo aiuto assume un’importanza ancora più ampia: non solo contribusici a far percorrere ai bambini miglia importanti verso la salute, ma ci aiuti a crescere e creare una rete sempre più vasta a sostegno del diritto alla salute dei bambini di tutto il mondo.



Nello scorso anno, grazie a voi, Saving Angels, abbiamo‭:‬


  • organizzato e finanziato voli salvavita per 38‭ ‬bambini e accompagnatori‭; ‬
  • ‬istituito la “Child Care Italian Network“, ‬una coalizione di Organizzazioni Non Profit con le quali abbiamo condiviso visione e obiettivi‭, ‬metodologie e strumenti di lavoro‭; ‬
  • ‬realizzato uno studio di fattibilità per aumentare l’efficacia della presa in carico di ogni bambino e implementato la piattaforma web‭ ‬”Application” ‬con due integrazioni che collegano il nostro sito al sistema di gestione‭; ‬
  • ‬definito un perimetro e un set di indicatori per valutare l’impatto generato dal progetto‭. ‬

Metti le ali al 2024


Per il secondo anno di progetto abbiamo un obiettivo ambizioso. Vogliamo salvare ancora più bambini e continuare il nostro processo di crescita interna e di miglioramento della nostra rete di Partner per poterne aiutare ogni anno sempre di più.

Il nostro obiettivo di raccolta è:


Aiutaci a raggiungerlo!

Ti ricordo che il progetto si svolge nel triennio 2023/2025. Abbiamo ancora due anni per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi che si dividono in 4 aree di intervento: garantire voli salvavita per bambini gravemente malati; ampliare e consolidare la rete di solidarietà; migliorare il processo di gestione dei piccoli pazienti; valutare l’impatto sociale delle nostre azioni. 

Di seguito, trovi un approfondimento di tutte le aree e il progetto da scaricare.


Choose your donation amount and frequency
Fill below form with your information
Choose your donation method
Scegli il metodo di donazione

Intesta il tuo bonifico a Flying Angels Foundation

Banca Passadore
IBAN: IT73L0333201400000000949732

IBAN: IT27D0200801400000105808893

IMPORTANTE: per permetterci di attribuire correttamente la tua donazione, indica per favore il tuo nome, cognome, recapito e se desideri donare per un bambino o un volo specifico, nel campo causale del bonifico.

Terms and Conditions

Information notice on personal data processing

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679 / EU (GDPR) and of National Data Privacy Legislation

Dear Sir / Madam, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR and the national privacy legislation in force on the subject, we hereby provide you with the following information:

1. Il Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali conferiti è Flying Angels Foundation ETS, con sede legale a Genova, in Via San Luca n. 2, che potrà essere contattato scrivendo a oppure inviando una raccomandata all’attenzione del Titolare del Trattamento presso Flying Angels Foundation ETS, a Genova, in Via San Luca n. 2;

2. Data Protection Officer can be contacted by sending an e-mail to;

3. Processing of donor's personal data is carried out for the pursuit of the following purpose:
a) send informative material to always be updated on the projects, initiatives, events and above all the stories of the children and missions of Data Controller, by collecting and processing personal and contact data. All the above communications will be sent by e-mail or SMS and/or by phone call if the User has entered his/her telephone number;
b) receive the possible donation and proceed with the consequent processing of payment and accounting data, by collecting and processing personal data, contact details and bank details;
c) send any report of the project / initiative / events that have been subsidised; d) propose initiatives, services and products, customized studied and designed.
To study better services and products closer to your interests, individual data such as date of birth, place of residence and/or donor behavior are used.

4. The provision of the aforementioned personal data is optional, but essential for the pursuit of the purposes listed above.
Lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letters b) and c) of point 3 is the execution of a contract (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR); for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the aforementioned point, in the case of non-donor Interested parties, it is the consent (Article 6, paragraph 1 letter a) GDPR), which can be revoked at any time.
When the interested party becomes a donor, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the point above is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in sending information material on projects and initiatives similar to those in which he participated (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) GDPR), notwithstanding the possibility for the Interested to exercise the right of opposition at any time.
Finally, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in point 3 lett. d) consists in the consent of the interested party (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR).

5. Personal data may be disclosed to the following authorized parties or external executives:
- police forces and judicial authorities, according to law;
- data processor external executives and persons authorized to processing under the direct authority of Data Controller or external executive.

The complete list of all external executives, who may become aware of your data in carrying out their collaboration activities with Data Controller, can be requested by email to

6. Personal data are collected directly by Data Controller from the interested party. Data will be processed in compliance with principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency. The processing is carried out through the following operations: collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, consultation, adaptation or modification, use, communication, extraction, comparison, interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction of data. Personal data are processed on paper or electronic media, with the adoption of every technical and organizational measure appropriate to ensure their security.
7. Personal data will be kept for 10 years from the last donation for the purposes referred to in lett. b) and c); for the purposes referred to in lett. a) the data will be kept for 2 years from collection, for non-donor interested parties, that is 5 years from the last donation, for interested donors; for the purposes referred to in lett. d) the data will be kept for 5 years from the last contact. Subsequently, data will be deleted or otherwise made anonymous
8. Data Controller does not transfer personal data outside the EU.

9. As an interested party in the data processing, you are entitled to the rights referred to in Articles. 15 - 22 GDPR and more precisely: access to your personal data, data correction or cancellation or limitation of processing, right to oppose the processing, in addition to data portability. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR. You can exercise the above rights, as well as the right to withdraw consent, by writing to;

Data Controller
Flying Angels Foundation ETS



Nello scorso anno, grazie a voi, Saving Angels, abbiamo‭:‬


  • organizzato e finanziato voli salvavita per 38‭ ‬bambini e accompagnatori‭; ‬
  • ‬istituito la “Child Care Italian Network“, ‬una coalizione di Organizzazioni Non Profit con le quali abbiamo condiviso visione e obiettivi‭, ‬metodologie e strumenti di lavoro‭; ‬
  • ‬realizzato uno studio di fattibilità per aumentare l’efficacia della presa in carico di ogni bambino e implementato la piattaforma web‭ ‬”Application” ‬con due integrazioni che collegano il nostro sito al sistema di gestione‭; ‬
  • ‬definito un perimetro e un set di indicatori per valutare l’impatto generato dal progetto‭. ‬

Metti le ali al 2024


Per il secondo anno di progetto abbiamo un obiettivo ambizioso. Vogliamo salvare ancora più bambini e continuare il nostro processo di crescita interna e di miglioramento della nostra rete di Partner per poterne aiutare ogni anno sempre di più.

Il nostro obiettivo di raccolta è:


Aiutaci a raggiungerlo!

Ti ricordo che il progetto si svolge nel triennio 2023/2025. Abbiamo ancora due anni per raggiungere i nostri obiettivi che si dividono in 4 aree di intervento: garantire voli salvavita per bambini gravemente malati; ampliare e consolidare la rete di solidarietà; migliorare il processo di gestione dei piccoli pazienti; valutare l’impatto sociale delle nostre azioni. 

Di seguito, trovi un approfondimento di tutte le aree e il progetto da scaricare.


Choose your donation amount and frequency
Fill below form with your information
Choose your donation method
Scegli il metodo di donazione

Intesta il tuo bonifico a Flying Angels Foundation

Banca Passadore
IBAN: IT73L0333201400000000949732

IBAN: IT27D0200801400000105808893

IMPORTANTE: per permetterci di attribuire correttamente la tua donazione, indica per favore il tuo nome, cognome, recapito e se desideri donare per un bambino o un volo specifico, nel campo causale del bonifico.

Terms and Conditions

Information notice on personal data processing

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679 / EU (GDPR) and of National Data Privacy Legislation

Dear Sir / Madam, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR and the national privacy legislation in force on the subject, we hereby provide you with the following information:

1. Il Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali conferiti è Flying Angels Foundation ETS, con sede legale a Genova, in Via San Luca n. 2, che potrà essere contattato scrivendo a oppure inviando una raccomandata all’attenzione del Titolare del Trattamento presso Flying Angels Foundation ETS, a Genova, in Via San Luca n. 2;

2. Data Protection Officer can be contacted by sending an e-mail to;

3. Processing of donor's personal data is carried out for the pursuit of the following purpose:
a) send informative material to always be updated on the projects, initiatives, events and above all the stories of the children and missions of Data Controller, by collecting and processing personal and contact data. All the above communications will be sent by e-mail or SMS and/or by phone call if the User has entered his/her telephone number;
b) receive the possible donation and proceed with the consequent processing of payment and accounting data, by collecting and processing personal data, contact details and bank details;
c) send any report of the project / initiative / events that have been subsidised; d) propose initiatives, services and products, customized studied and designed.
To study better services and products closer to your interests, individual data such as date of birth, place of residence and/or donor behavior are used.

4. The provision of the aforementioned personal data is optional, but essential for the pursuit of the purposes listed above.
Lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letters b) and c) of point 3 is the execution of a contract (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR); for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the aforementioned point, in the case of non-donor Interested parties, it is the consent (Article 6, paragraph 1 letter a) GDPR), which can be revoked at any time.
When the interested party becomes a donor, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the point above is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in sending information material on projects and initiatives similar to those in which he participated (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) GDPR), notwithstanding the possibility for the Interested to exercise the right of opposition at any time.
Finally, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in point 3 lett. d) consists in the consent of the interested party (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR).

5. Personal data may be disclosed to the following authorized parties or external executives:
- police forces and judicial authorities, according to law;
- data processor external executives and persons authorized to processing under the direct authority of Data Controller or external executive.

The complete list of all external executives, who may become aware of your data in carrying out their collaboration activities with Data Controller, can be requested by email to

6. Personal data are collected directly by Data Controller from the interested party. Data will be processed in compliance with principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency. The processing is carried out through the following operations: collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, consultation, adaptation or modification, use, communication, extraction, comparison, interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction of data. Personal data are processed on paper or electronic media, with the adoption of every technical and organizational measure appropriate to ensure their security.
7. Personal data will be kept for 10 years from the last donation for the purposes referred to in lett. b) and c); for the purposes referred to in lett. a) the data will be kept for 2 years from collection, for non-donor interested parties, that is 5 years from the last donation, for interested donors; for the purposes referred to in lett. d) the data will be kept for 5 years from the last contact. Subsequently, data will be deleted or otherwise made anonymous
8. Data Controller does not transfer personal data outside the EU.

9. As an interested party in the data processing, you are entitled to the rights referred to in Articles. 15 - 22 GDPR and more precisely: access to your personal data, data correction or cancellation or limitation of processing, right to oppose the processing, in addition to data portability. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR. You can exercise the above rights, as well as the right to withdraw consent, by writing to;

Data Controller
Flying Angels Foundation ETS

IN FLIGHT - RIGHT TO HEALTH, un progetto triennale, quattro azioni per realizzarlo:

62 / 5.000 Organize life-saving trips and finance plane tickets.

We will fly and provide life-saving care to approximately 120 children with a parent in the three-year period 2023-2025.

“Yabo was born with a serious heart condition. Only thanks to the flight and the operation at the Monaldi hospital in Naples she is now smiling and ready to grow up, just like her dreams”

Yabo's mum

Consolidate and expand the Flying Angels solidarity network.

We build a community of experienced partners to ensure sick children receive the lifesaving care they deserve.

“The greatest satisfaction as a doctor is to see the smile on the faces of children after surgery. Seeing those who could only stay in bed return to play is incomparable!”

Dr. Gaia Viganò, pediatric cardiac surgeon

3. Streamlining the management process and taking charge of each individual case

We optimize the process of taking charge and carrying out the intervention through the integration of the Investigation systems, management of information of the children helped and supporters and website.

“The organizational machine is complex and coordinates organizations, hospitals around the world, airlines and not least families. It is not enough to do good, you also have to do it well, quickly.”

Dr. Piattoli, Scientific Committee of Flying Angels Foundation

Evaluate and communicate the impact

The Foundation intends to evaluate, through the Social Return on Investment (SROI) method, the outcomes produced and the final impact to return the social value generated to stakeholders.

“There is no greater satisfaction than that of contributing to making the lives of many children better.”

Mister Running

Download the In Flight Right to Health Project (ITA)