Stories of Flights
Meet some of the kids who have flown
with Flying Angles
A volte avere un cuore grande può essere un problema. È il caso di Thierrisia, che ha scoperto la sua cardiopatia a 12 anni e ha visto il suo futuro spegnersi davanti ai suoi occhi ma, grazie al grande cuore dei nostri donatori, ha potuto riabbracciare la vita.
A flight to Spain at just five months old thanks to a donor who took Mateo's story to heart and entirely funded his flight.
A flight to India, a month-long journey to face the future. Hannington's story has a happy ending, thanks to our donors.
Mariam's journey lasts 15 days: two weeks and a flight to change the course of a life.
Ebony's journey is a story of courage and determination: thanks to her mother and father, in just over a month Ebony was operated on for her heart disease.
Fathia suffered from a form of congenital heart disease caused by a ventricular defect; she lived with her condition for 14 years before arriving in Italy and finally undergoing surgery. In just two weeks, Fathia was able to change her life, returned home and today finally has the energy to face adolescence.
Ayden’s story in Flying Angels is a beautiful example of how love is the most powerful force in life.
Obro Alex-Samuel Felix Gerard is already a boy when he arrives in Italy to treat his congenital heart disease. Thanks to the humanitarian consortium with Una Voce per Padre Pio, the Association “Un Cuore un Mondo” and the Ospedale del Cuore di Massa, after many years of sacrifices this boy can finally leave his health problems behind him to begin his life as a young man.
Kylian is very intelligent, perhaps his illness makes him think like a big child. He is very sensitive and requires a lot of attention.
The birth of little Milca was a joy for her family: her mother, Ruth, was well, had managed the pregnancy without any problems and couldn't wait to meet her little girl.
Lukfuin’s story has been a model of strength and resistance for our Foundation, and taught us that we can never give up, even in the most desperate situation
Keila is four years old and comes from Bujumbura, Burundi. During her birth, a series of complications caused her cognitive disabilities and a motor disability in one arm. She also immediately showed symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot, a severe heart malformation which requires an urgent surgery.
Baby Sara is only four months old, and has been diagnosed with a severe congenital cardiopathy called Tetralogy of Fallot, which requires urgent surgical care. This type of surgery cannot be carried out anywhere in Albania, due to the lack of specialised hospitals.
Edona presenta fin dalla nascita una cardiopatia molto grave, che necessita di trattamento urgente.
Lis was born in Pristina, Kosovo, he is 8 years old, and he suffers from aortic insufficiency. This means that the aortic valve in his heart does not work properly, and prevents the normal blood circulation in the organ. Aortic insufficiency is a debilitating condition, which causes constant tiredness, pain and shortness of breath.
Baby Laalikhan is only a few months old, and she suffers from Hirschsprung’s Disease, a congenital malformation of the intestine, which can become obstructed. Her only chance at survival is a colectomy, but in Iraq there are no specialized healthcare facilities where this kind of surgery can be performed. There is only one option left: with the help of Flying Angels, Laalikhan needs to embark on a long journey towards a specialized hospital abroad.
Vyan is a 14 years-old Kurdish girl from Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq, who suffers from a cardiac malformation. Vyan’s father died, and the girl now lives in a refugee camp, where she shares a tent with the rest of her family. She cannot be treated there, as there aren’t any specialised doctors and healthcare facilities.
Kovan è bimbo curdo di 5 anni (al momento della partenza) nato con cuore univentricolare e che necessita di un tipo di intervento chirurgico particolare non praticabile nel Paese di origine, l’Iraq.
Cheikh is four years old and comes from Senegal. During a screening examination, he is diagnosed with a cardiopathy, but his mom already knows that her son is not well: “Cheikh couldn’t walk and run like the other kids, because he would immediately get tired. He had seizures twice, but I managed to take care of him. I treated him with massages and paracetamol, and made him rest a lot” she told us.
Esterina was born in Albania, suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot. She needs an emergency operation on her little heart and her mother, very scared, decides to rely on the doctors and the support of Flying Angels. Esterina manages to fly and reach the Cardiology Department of the Integrated University Hospital in Verona, where she immediately undergoes a very important and delicate operation, after which she finally feels better.
Nataly Isabella is deaf from birth, and needs a cochlear implant to be able to hear. Unfortunately, such a procedure is not available in her home country.
When Nataly’s mom first finds out that her daughter cannot be treated in Honduras, she is heartbroken.
Baby Vittoria flies towards life-saving treatments thanks to Flying Angels and to all those who, with their hearts, participated and made her delicate journey possible. THANKS to them, to these angels.
Il piccolo Isli nasce a Tirana nel 2016, affetto da una cardiopatia congenita. Attraverso la Fondazione Mission Bambini – onlus che ci ha permesso di scoprire il caso del piccolo Isli – Flying Angels si è subito mobilitata per farlo volare.
Elias è nato in Etiopia ed a soli tre anni ha subìto il suo primo intervento al cuore, al Gaslini di Genova. Nove anni dopo, è stato necessario intervenire di nuovo. Flying Angels grazie alle donazioni per il Fondo Emergenza Voli ha subito potuto prenotare un volo per lui e sua mamma.
Eliora è una bimba albanese affetta da una forma grave di cardiopatia congenita. I medici in Albania si sono resi conto di non essere in grado di aiutarla. Ma Flying Angels ha preso a cuore la piccola, organizzando il suo volo salvaVita verso Verona.
Arwa è una bimba Tunisina affetta da Anemia di Fanconi, una malattia che colpisce il midollo osseo. Purtroppo le cure di cui ha bisogno non sono disponibili nel suo paese e così Flying Angels si attiva immediatamente per intervenire.
Ache ha 14 anni, vive in Chad, e soffre dalla nascita di una cardiopatia congenita, che non le permette una corretta ossigenazione del sangue, con forti conseguenze sulla sua vita quotidiana. Grazie alla collaborazione tra Flying Angels ed EMERGENCY, si apre per lei una speranza.
Each and every child we help has left us plenty of emotions, hope and new life lessons.
Petit impressed us with his love for life, his will to build himself a better future, and his firm belief in a positive outcome.
Joyce needs a paediatric cardiac surgery. Flying Angels is mobilized and immediately finances a ticket, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Bambino Gesù Hospital, in Rome, that examined his medical records, and is willing to welcome Joyce and operate on him.
Ahmed è nato a Peshkopi, in Albania, affetto da una grave cardiopatia congenita.
I medici albanesi hanno contattato i colleghi dell’ospedale di Verona ed è partita la catena di solidarietà che ha coinvolto con grande tempestività Flying Angels.
Fatoumata was born in Guinea. Since birth she has showed symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot, a cardiac pathology that cannot be treated in her country.
Thanks to our partners and supporters, Flying Angels manages to transfer her to Italy, where a specialized hospital is ready to welcome her and perform a life-changing surgery.
Frenki è nato in Albania, a luglio, e soffre di una cardiopatia chiamata Tetralogia di Fallot. Il bimbo è stato visitato dal Centro di Scutari che però ha subito capito la gravità della situazione e ha richiesto di far operare il bimbo all’estero. Il 6 agosto Frenki e la sua mamma hanno preso il primo aereo della loro vita per raggiungere l’ospedale di Verona.
Daris è un bimbo albanese di 6 mesi, affetto da una cardiopatia congenita. A gennaio, a causa di un ricovero in patria per una pesante bronchiolite, è stato chiesto di anticipare la sua accoglienza a Verona e il 29 gennaio Flying Angels riesce far arrivare il piccolo.
Mirea è una bimba albanese di 2 mesi, affetta da una grave cardiopatia congenita. Il suo caso è stato presentato al Castello dei Sorrisi con la richiesta di un intervento immediato: ma era un venerdì pomeriggio … si doveva sperare che la piccola reggesse il weekend, per l’impossibilità di completare l’iter burocratico.
Maureen ha 4 anni e due grandi occhi scuri sul mondo, è allegra e curiosa ma la sua stanchezza cronica non le permette di giocare come gli altri bimbi della sua età.
Aris è un bel bimbo kosovaro di 2 anni, nato con una cardiopatia complessa che richiedeva un delicato intervento cardiochirurgico, ma nel Centro Cardio-Pediatrico di Scutari dove veniva seguito, l’intervento non viene eseguito.
Il 17 luglio il piccolo Cruzer è partito dallo Zimbabwe, assieme alla sua nonna, verso Bologna. Il piccolo ha 10 anni ed è affetto da una cardiopatia congenita molto grave, per cui è stato richiesto l’accompagnamento del medico per tutto il viaggio e l’ausilio dell’ossigeno.
Alisa vive a Vlore in Albania e la cardiopatia di cui soffre le è stata diagnosticata poco dopo la nascita e l’ha costretta ad iniziare una terapia farmacologica. Ai successivi controlli, la situazione ha mostrato che l’unica soluzione sarebbe stata quella chirurgica, non eseguibile nel suo paese.
Equipe out Somalia
L’equipe medica di “Emergenza sorrisi”, è partita da Roma il 18 luglio per la prima missione operatoria presso l’Ospedale Aden Abdulle di Mogadiscio in Somalia.
Neville ha solo un anno e invece di imparare a parlare e camminare come gli altri bimbi, è sempre stanco e non cresce. E’ nato con una cardiopatia che a Mombasa, in Kenya, non riescono a risolvere. La sua patologia deve essere trattata quanto prima per essere curata e non lasciare strascichi per tutta la vita.
Mario Alessandro
Mario Alessandro è un bimbo venezuelano che da quando è nato combatte contro una grave cardiopatia che peggiora rapidamente. Nonostante gli sforzi, in patria non sono riusciti a curarlo.
Penda Nar
Penda ha bellissimi occhi scuri e due codini colorati.Ha quasi tre anni e vive a Diourbel, una cittadina nella parte occidentale del Senegal. È affetta da una cardiopatia congenita complessa e la sua unica chance di sopravvivere è raggiungere in tempo l’ospedale San Donato di Milano.
Faida a 5 anni viveva in un orfanotrofio in Burundi quando le hanno trovato una cardiopatia che nessuno voleva curare. Questo volo le ha salvato la vita!
Sibongile abita ad Harare con mamma Chengetai, papà Anytime e 3 fratellini. Né la mamma né il marito lavorano.
Chengetai ha scoperto che la figlia era ammalata ad un anno dalla sua nascita.
Equipe out Haiti
L’equipe medica formata da 5 medici italiani, è partita in modo coordinato da Milano e Bologna, alla volta di Port-au-prince, in Haiti per raggiungere l’Ospedale Saint Damian.
Christian ha 1 anno e abita ad Harare, con mamma Pamela, il papà e un fratellino. Solo il padre lavora mentre la madre ha smesso da quando è nato Christian, che oltre ad avere problemi al cuore è anche affetto dalla sindrome di down.
Equipe out Uganda
L’equipe medica di “Cute project”, è partita da Milano il 19 novembre per la missione operatoria in Uganda.
Ara ha solo 47 giorni e viene dall’Iraq. É nato con una cardiopatia congenita e nel suo paese non gli erano state date speranze.
Isli ha 8 mesi anni viene dall’Albania. Lotta con una cardiopatia congenita dalla nascita e in Albania non gli erano state date speranze, ma mamma Eliverta non si è mai arresa.
Enes è nato ad Elbasan, in Albania. Aveva solo 1 mese quando gli è stata diagnosticata una grave malattia al cuore. Da allora sono iniziate le interminabili visite mediche, che hanno confermato che nel suo paese il piccolo non poteva essere operato. Occorre un volo per la Romania. Ma la famiglia di Enes non poteva permettersi di pagare il biglietto.
Medico out Benin
Dr. Buffa went to Benin for a surgical mission at the Hopital St. Jean de Dieu where, in addition to operating on children, he has been carrying out a training project for local medical staff for years.
When they asked us for help from Kurdistan, little Aro was only 15 months old, his little heart was very sick and in his country his illness could not be cured. The clinical situation was really delicate and our doctors on the Scientific Committee authorized the case within a few hours.
Equipe out Afghanistan
L’equipe medica di Emergenza sorrisi è partita alla volta di Mazar I Sharif, in Afghanistan, per raggiungere l’Arya University Hospital.
Diar è un bimbo del Kosovo che abbiamo aiutato quando aveva appena 10 mesi. Soffriva di una grave cardiopatia congenita e aveva bisogno di un intervento chirurgico delicato, che non poteva essere effettuato nel suo paese.
Ousmane doesn't go to school, doesn't leave the house, doesn't play, doesn't run.
His heart is so weak that he even struggles to speak.
In Senegal there are no facilities equipped for such a delicate operation.
Ousmane need to arrive at Gaslini to be operated on.
Alzan, un bimbo kosovaro di 6 anni. A gennaio 2016 è partito da Pristina per raggiungere il Policlinico S.Orsola Malpighi. Il piccolo ha subito un delicato intervento chirurgico alle vie biliari.
Equipe out Zambia
L’equipe medica formata da 10 medici italiani e spagnoli è partita in modo coordinato da Milano, Roma e Madrid alla volta di Lusaka, in Zambia per raggiungere l’ University teaching Hospital.
Aleksandra è nata con una malformazione che non le ha mai permesso di vivere normalmente la sua vita di bimba.
In Moldavia non si trovava una soluzione così il Castello dei sorrisi ci ha chiesto aiuto per farla volare qua in Italia.
Maria Camila
Camila was just over three years old when Infancia Solidaria asked us for help.
Her situation was really delicate and the long journey that awaited her to get to Barcelona kept everyone in suspense.
Kyrylo is only 5 years old and has great courage, in fact he will have to face a journey of 4,500 miles from Ukraine to South Korea, to reach the medical center specializing in the treatments he badly needs.
Omar è un bimbo kosovaro di 4 anni, affetto dalla nascita da infezioni polmonari e crisi respiratorie.
Grazie a una lastra toracica mandata dalla famiglia del piccolo al Centro Fibrosi Cistici di Verona, i medici hanno immediatamente capito che il problema è una patologia cronica curabile con terapie specialistiche.
A volte avere un cuore grande può essere un problema. È il caso di Thierrisia, che ha scoperto la sua cardiopatia a 12 anni e ha visto il suo futuro spegnersi davanti ai suoi occhi ma, grazie al grande cuore dei nostri donatori, ha potuto riabbracciare la vita.
A flight to Spain at just five months old thanks to a donor who took Mateo's story to heart and entirely funded his flight.
A flight to India, a month-long journey to face the future. Hannington's story has a happy ending, thanks to our donors.
Mariam's journey lasts 15 days: two weeks and a flight to change the course of a life.
Ebony's journey is a story of courage and determination: thanks to her mother and father, in just over a month Ebony was operated on for her heart disease.
Fathia suffered from a form of congenital heart disease caused by a ventricular defect; she lived with her condition for 14 years before arriving in Italy and finally undergoing surgery. In just two weeks, Fathia was able to change her life, returned home and today finally has the energy to face adolescence.
Ayden’s story in Flying Angels is a beautiful example of how love is the most powerful force in life.
Obro Alex-Samuel Felix Gerard is already a boy when he arrives in Italy to treat his congenital heart disease. Thanks to the humanitarian consortium with Una Voce per Padre Pio, the Association “Un Cuore un Mondo” and the Ospedale del Cuore di Massa, after many years of sacrifices this boy can finally leave his health problems behind him to begin his life as a young man.
Kylian is very intelligent, perhaps his illness makes him think like a big child. He is very sensitive and requires a lot of attention.
The birth of little Milca was a joy for her family: her mother, Ruth, was well, had managed the pregnancy without any problems and couldn't wait to meet her little girl.
Lukfuin’s story has been a model of strength and resistance for our Foundation, and taught us that we can never give up, even in the most desperate situation
Keila is four years old and comes from Bujumbura, Burundi. During her birth, a series of complications caused her cognitive disabilities and a motor disability in one arm. She also immediately showed symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot, a severe heart malformation which requires an urgent surgery.
Baby Sara is only four months old, and has been diagnosed with a severe congenital cardiopathy called Tetralogy of Fallot, which requires urgent surgical care. This type of surgery cannot be carried out anywhere in Albania, due to the lack of specialised hospitals.
Edona presenta fin dalla nascita una cardiopatia molto grave, che necessita di trattamento urgente.
Lis was born in Pristina, Kosovo, he is 8 years old, and he suffers from aortic insufficiency. This means that the aortic valve in his heart does not work properly, and prevents the normal blood circulation in the organ. Aortic insufficiency is a debilitating condition, which causes constant tiredness, pain and shortness of breath.
Baby Laalikhan is only a few months old, and she suffers from Hirschsprung’s Disease, a congenital malformation of the intestine, which can become obstructed. Her only chance at survival is a colectomy, but in Iraq there are no specialized healthcare facilities where this kind of surgery can be performed. There is only one option left: with the help of Flying Angels, Laalikhan needs to embark on a long journey towards a specialized hospital abroad.
Vyan is a 14 years-old Kurdish girl from Duhok, Kurdistan-Iraq, who suffers from a cardiac malformation. Vyan’s father died, and the girl now lives in a refugee camp, where she shares a tent with the rest of her family. She cannot be treated there, as there aren’t any specialised doctors and healthcare facilities.
Kovan è bimbo curdo di 5 anni (al momento della partenza) nato con cuore univentricolare e che necessita di un tipo di intervento chirurgico particolare non praticabile nel Paese di origine, l’Iraq.
Cheikh is four years old and comes from Senegal. During a screening examination, he is diagnosed with a cardiopathy, but his mom already knows that her son is not well: “Cheikh couldn’t walk and run like the other kids, because he would immediately get tired. He had seizures twice, but I managed to take care of him. I treated him with massages and paracetamol, and made him rest a lot” she told us.
Esterina was born in Albania, suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot. She needs an emergency operation on her little heart and her mother, very scared, decides to rely on the doctors and the support of Flying Angels. Esterina manages to fly and reach the Cardiology Department of the Integrated University Hospital in Verona, where she immediately undergoes a very important and delicate operation, after which she finally feels better.
Nataly Isabella is deaf from birth, and needs a cochlear implant to be able to hear. Unfortunately, such a procedure is not available in her home country.
When Nataly’s mom first finds out that her daughter cannot be treated in Honduras, she is heartbroken.
Baby Vittoria flies towards life-saving treatments thanks to Flying Angels and to all those who, with their hearts, participated and made her delicate journey possible. THANKS to them, to these angels.
Each and every child we help has left us plenty of emotions, hope and new life lessons.
Petit impressed us with his love for life, his will to build himself a better future, and his firm belief in a positive outcome.
Joyce needs a paediatric cardiac surgery. Flying Angels is mobilized and immediately finances a ticket, from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Bambino Gesù Hospital, in Rome, that examined his medical records, and is willing to welcome Joyce and operate on him.
Fatoumata was born in Guinea. Since birth she has showed symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot, a cardiac pathology that cannot be treated in her country.
Thanks to our partners and supporters, Flying Angels manages to transfer her to Italy, where a specialized hospital is ready to welcome her and perform a life-changing surgery.
Medico out Benin
Dr. Buffa went to Benin for a surgical mission at the Hopital St. Jean de Dieu where, in addition to operating on children, he has been carrying out a training project for local medical staff for years.
When they asked us for help from Kurdistan, little Aro was only 15 months old, his little heart was very sick and in his country his illness could not be cured. The clinical situation was really delicate and our doctors on the Scientific Committee authorized the case within a few hours.
Ousmane doesn't go to school, doesn't leave the house, doesn't play, doesn't run.
His heart is so weak that he even struggles to speak.
In Senegal there are no facilities equipped for such a delicate operation.
Ousmane need to arrive at Gaslini to be operated on.
Maria Camila
Camila was just over three years old when Infancia Solidaria asked us for help.
Her situation was really delicate and the long journey that awaited her to get to Barcelona kept everyone in suspense.
Kyrylo is only 5 years old and has great courage, in fact he will have to face a journey of 4,500 miles from Ukraine to South Korea, to reach the medical center specializing in the treatments he badly needs.