you can make the difference.

Ci sono, nel mondo, bambini gravemente malati nel cui Paese di origine non sono disponibili le cure, le strutture ospedaliere e/o il personale medico di cui hanno un vitale e urgente bisogno.
When a child is fighting for his life, the possibility of reaching a specialized hospital in the shortest possible time is vital: the longer the waiting time, the greater the risk of not succeeding..

Flying Angels intervenes in health emergencies, promptly, supported by a Scientific Committee and in collaboration with various organizations operating in pediatric healthcare, with the sole and ultimate purpose of getting children to the hospital, quickly.

Together we can save a life: by allowing seriously ill underage patients to reach a hospital where they can be treated, thanks to a plane ticket.

A donation that translates into a concrete, immediate act.

For a child's life, this makes a difference.


Flying Angels works to protect the right to healthcare of children around the world, making life-saving treatments accessible to them in the event of serious diseases, by air transport to the hospital ready to welcome them, before it is too late.


Flying Angels finances flights for doctors and medical teams who go to countries with hospital structures and specialised physicians who are particularly lacking, both to perform surgical missions on site and, at the same time, to train local medical personnel.

Air ambulance

In particularly complex cases, where the serious child's state of the health requires prompt, urgent intervention, it is necessary to organise, by the shortest possible time, air transport by air ambulance, with dedicated equipment and medical staff.

A flight is their only possibility.
Flying Angels deals with:

Funding the the round-trip flight for a seriously ill child
Funding the the round-trip airfare for a parent (or a legal guardian) so that he/she can fly together with the child
Funding the the round-trip flight for doctors doctors with different medical specialization, on health mission
Funding and arranging air ambulance transfer for a seriously ill child, in extremely urgent and severe situations
Organising travels in the most appropriate way according to a child's state of health, facilitating the collection of necessary paperwork and speeding up the issuing of visas by Italian Embassies in the world, thanks to a 'green channel' granted by the Farnesina.



Each child's story is unique and could intertwine with yours.


You can find below children that are now waiting to fly toward the hospital and reach life-saving treatments. Since communication sometimes are very difficult, unfortunately we do not always manage to have their photos available before departure. We'll update their profile as soon as a photo will be available, according to their consent.
Flyight details, such ad departure/arrival date and ticket amount, could be subject to changes, as in case of postponed returns due to health reasons.
  1. Arthur, 1 year

    Douala - Milano Malpensa
    Milano Malpensa - Douala
    03/10/2024 (A)
    05/11/2024 (R)
    Douala, Camerun
    €738 donated of €1.336(A/R flight fare)
  2. Assiya, 2 years

    Ouaganadougou - Milano Linate
    Milano Linate - Ouaganadougou
    22/09/2024 (A)
    31/10/2024 (R)
    Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
    €1.550 donated of €3.003(A/R flight fare)
  3. Salvali con il cuore

    Aiuta un bambino cardiopatico a raggiungere le cure di cui ha bisogno per sopravvivere
    Aiuta un bambino cardiopatico a raggiungere le cure di cui ha bisogno per sopravvivere
    €10.854 donati

In 2023, we reached and exceeded our goals

Together, we managed to:

Our goal for 2024

is, together, to be able to keep on helping seriously ill children asking for HELP, and to:

Enable 164 children with a caregiver to fly to meet the medical care they need
Enable 7 Medical Missions to perform surgeries on 167 children on site
Founding 718 Life Saving airline tickets
Enable about 160 children with a caregiver to fly to meet the medical care they need
Enable 7 Medical Missions to perform surgeries on 170 children on site
Founding over 700 Life Saving airline tickets

In 2023, we reached and exceeded our goals

Together, we managed to:

Enable 164 children to fly to meet the medical care they need
Enable 7 Medical Missions to perform surgeries on 167 children
Founding 718 Life Saving airline tickets

Our goal for 2024

is, together, to be able to keep on helping seriously ill children asking for HELP, and

Enable about 160 children to fly
Enable 7 Medical Missions to perform surgeries on 170 children
Founding 730 Life Saving airline tickets

flying angels - our numbers

saved children

flight tickets funded

miles covered

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