a fundamental value,
the basis of trust.
A "work in progess" process
Transparency is the prerequisite for trust, in a relationship that aims to last as long as possible, such that between the Foundation and its donors, non-profit partner organizations and all those who participate in the realization of the Mission.
Transparency is one of the core values of Flying Angels, both in the relationship with stakeholders and in terms of traceability and use of donations.
Accurate, exhaustive and immediate reporting of the social value that the Foundation manages to achieve in favor of sick children asking for help, goes hand in hand with sharing materials that demonstrate the economic and social dimension of the organisation.
The first study on the social impact generated by Flying Angels
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of its birth, the Foundation has proposed to investigate and measure the social impact generated for its beneficiaries and stakeholders, a strategic aspect to ensure maximum transparency towards its donors and an important tool for continuous improvement.
In particular, the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology has been chosen, a qualitative-quantitative approach that allows the monetization of the social changes generated by the Foundation.
The social impact study was carried out together with EY Sustainability Italia and in the three years under consideration, from 2018 to 2020, it was shown that the Foundation, having reached 750 children, collaborated with 46 non-profit organizations and involved 64 health workers in mission teams, was able to generate a social value of more than 2.6 million euros.
PFor every euro donated to Flying Angels a social value of 1.71 euro has been created..
Social Report
The Social Report is a document through which Flying Angels, together with the active participation of its stakeholders, communicates its activities and achievements , highlighting the economic and financial dimension.
The Social Report is also a programmatic document, through which the Foundation shares its short and medium term commitments towards all related stakeholders.
Activity Report
The Activity Report is drawn up on an annual basis. Its aim is to transmit in a transparent and simple way the ovarall Foundation activity, in terms of children helped, medical teams supported and flights founded, with a lot of detailed information regarding origins and destinations of children, medical areas, etc.
The latest edition of the Activity Report goes back to 2018. Then it was replaced by the Social Report.
Economic and patrimonial balance sheet and mission report
Flying Angels Foundation, always in compliance with the utmost transparency, publishes its financial statements on an annual basis, which is made up of its balance sheet and cash flow statement (with incomes and expenses highlighted).
Supporting and completing above mentioned financial statemtent, the Mission Report is drawn up too on a yearly basis. It describes all activities carried out for the pursuit of the mission together with the explanatory notes to the financial statements reported.
Public contributions
According to the Italian Law 124 of 4 August 2017 - Article 1, paragraphs 125-129 - Fulfilment of the obligations of transparency and publicity for Bodies that have relations with the public administration, Flying Angels declares not to have received any sums for the year 2019. Flying Angels dichiara di non aver ricevuto somme relative all’anno 2023.
Reporting 5×1000
5×1000 statement of the amounts received by Flying Angels Foundation
Other documents
find out more
Flying Angels Foundation E.T.S. has equipped itself with a system of management of the signallings according to D.Lgs. 24/2023.
What can be reported?
Unlawful conduct relevant under D.Lgs. 231/2001, including breaches of Model of Organization and Management adopted pursuant to D. Lgs. 231/2001 and ethical code.
Who can you report?
All parties who have information about violations, such as, but not limited to:
- employees, former employees, candidates;
- suppliers;
- donors;
- partner;
- directors, shareholders.
How is the complainant protected?
The confidentiality of your identity is always guaranteed. In addition, the signalman and the persons close to him are protected from any retaliatory conduct.
Who can you report?
Le segnalazioni possono essere inviate, con le modalità indicate nella “Procedure for the management of alerts":
- in writingby registered post: with the explicit indication "Reserved to the Manager of the reports of Flying Angels": Avv. Antonio Bonfiglioli, LCG Law Firm - Viale Bianca Maria n. 23, 20122, Milan.
- orallyby calling +39 3312277487 (Mon.-Fri. h. 9-18.30).
Who receives the report (cd. Signal manager)?
The Avv. Antonio Bonfiglioli, as a Supervisory Body and external subject of the Organization, with specific competences for the management of channels and alerts.
It is recommended to take a look at the "Procedure for the management of alerts", together withPrivacy policy on the processing of data.
Please note:
Please note that at the time of reporting, the reporting person must have a reasonable and reasonable grounds to believe that the information on reported infringements is true and fall within the scope of the legislation. Do not detect mere suspicions or "rumors".