
1 year
Flight dates: 04/04/2016 (A)
02/05/2016 (R)
Miles 8.040 Miles
Company: Turkish Airlines
Flight Sulaymaneyah - Genova
Origin:Sulaymaneyah Iraq
Hospital:Ospedale Pediatrico Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Involved ONG:Kurdistan Save the Children
Flight cost€1.276(A/R flight fare)
When they asked us for help from Kurdistan, little Aro was only 15 months old, his little heart was very sick and in his country his illness could not be cured. The clinical situation was really delicate and our doctors on the Scientific Committee authorized the case within a few hours.

The departure

Aro was not in the physical condition to take a long flight and so we did everything we could to make it as easy as possible for him.


Despite the complexity of the operation, everything went well. The little boy spent the post-operative period at Gaslini with his mother.

Back home

We went to greet Aro at the "Cristoforo Colombo" Airport in Genoa. We were really surprised to see a child full of life… Aro was a hurricane! We couldn't believe that just a few weeks before he had undergone heart surgery. Looking at it, we understood how much desire these children have to live, who face long, demanding journeys, very delicate operations, with energy and courage. Even this time you have made a difference thanks to your donations and here is the beautiful photo that Aro's mother sent us from Kurdistan, complete with a bow tie! Good luck Aro, to you and your whole family!

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