Maria Camila

3 years
Flight dates: 23/04/2015 (A)
13/07/2015 (R)
Miles 22.684 Miles
Company: Iberia
Flight San Salvador - Barcellona
Origin:San Salvador El Salvador
Hospital:Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona
Involved ONG:ONG Infancia Solidaria
Flight cost€4.395(A/R flight fare)

Camila was just over three years old when Infancia Solidaria asked us for help.
Her situation was really delicate and the long journey that awaited her to get to Barcelona kept everyone in suspense.

The departure

Camila left El Salvador in April and during the flight we had to make sure she had oxygen. The little girl arrived in Barcelona but the day after her arrival she was rushed to hospital for a problem of oxygen saturation.


Fortunately, after this bad episode, Camila was operated on by the doctors of Sant Joan de Deu who gave her a new life!

Back home

After the surgery, the little girl recovered completely and returned home to her family with her mother. Here is the best gift .. Camila's smile!

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