Partecipa alla grande festa di primavera al Castello di Redabue

Vola al Castello

Partecipa alla grande festa di primavera al Castello di Redabue

Vola al Castello

Ti aspettiamo il 2 giugno al Castello di Redabue per una grande festa in famiglia!

Una giornata insieme per scoprire e sostenere le attività della nostra Fondazione.

Un evento di intrattenimento per le famiglie, all’insegna della natura e del divertimento, all’interno di una prestigiosa cornice storica.

Stiamo organizzando tante attività per grandi e piccini. Ecco un’anteprima del programma della giornata: 

11:00/12:00 > Accoglienza
12:30 > Presentazione Flying Angels
13:00/14:30 > Pranzo a buffet
15:00/16:30 > Spettacolo di acrobati e prestigiatori
15:30/16:30 > Wine Masterclass

La Wine Masterclass presenterà 5 vini, tra bianchi e rossi, prodotti dalla Cantina Marina Romin, che negli anni si é contraddistinta nella valorizzazione di vitigni autoctoni toscani rivisitati in chiave contemporanea.

17:00/18:00 > Estrazione della lotteria, saluti e ringraziamenti
Durante tutta la giornata:





Baby dance

Manca poco! Prenota i tuoi biglietti








Manca poco! Prenota i tuoi biglietti








Lo scorso anno la festa al Castello di Redabue è stata un grande successo.

Grazie a tutti voi, siamo riusciti a raccogliere tantissime donazioni e a passare una splendida giornata insieme! Guardate il video dell’evento

Salve the date Festa di Primavera Vola al Castello

Dona per partecipare

Per partecipare alla festa, basta fare una donazione che andrà a finanziare il nostro Fondo Emergenza Voli, per permettere ai bambini che hanno bisogno di cure mediche urgenti di raggiungere subito gli ospedali pronto ad offrirgliele. Gli importi minimi per la partecipazione sono:




Iscrizione alla Wine Masterclass





Naturalmente, ogni contributo aggiuntivo è graditissimo e aiuterà a fare volare sempre più bambini!

Fai la tua donazione e comunicaci i dati di tutti i partecipanti.

Inserisci l’importo complessivo della tua donazione sommando le quote dei partecipanti e le eventuali partecipazioni alla Wine Masterclass. Entro un giorno dalla donazione, riceverai una email di conferma con le istruzioni per comunicarci i dati di tutti i partecipanti in modo che possiamo riservarvi il vostro posto e organizzare le attività per grandi e per piccini al meglio.

Calcola l’importo ed effettua la tua donazione.

Choose your donation amount and frequency
Fill below form with your information
Choose your donation method
Scegli il metodo di donazione

Intesta il tuo bonifico a Flying Angels Foundation

Banca Passadore
IBAN: IT73L0333201400000000949732

IBAN: IT27D0200801400000105808893

IMPORTANTE: per permetterci di attribuire correttamente la tua donazione, indica per favore il tuo nome, cognome, recapito e se desideri donare per un bambino o un volo specifico, nel campo causale del bonifico.

Terms and Conditions

Information notice on personal data processing

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679 / EU (GDPR) and of National Data Privacy Legislation

Dear Sir / Madam, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR and the national privacy legislation in force on the subject, we hereby provide you with the following information:

1. Data Controller of personal data provided is Flying Angels Foundation Onlus, with registered office in Genoa, Via San Luca n. 2, which can be contacted by email to or by sending a registered letter to the attention of Data Controller at Flying Angels Foundation Onlus, in Genoa, Via San Luca n. 2.

2. Data Protection Officer can be contacted by sending an e-mail to;

3. Processing of donor's personal data is carried out for the pursuit of the following purpose:
a) send informative material to always be updated on the projects, initiatives, events and above all the stories of the children and missions of Data Controller, by collecting and processing personal and contact data. All the above communications will be sent by e-mail or SMS and/or by phone call if the User has entered his/her telephone number;
b) receive the possible donation and proceed with the consequent processing of payment and accounting data, by collecting and processing personal data, contact details and bank details;
c) send any report of the project / initiative / events that have been subsidised; d) propose initiatives, services and products, customized studied and designed.
To study better services and products closer to your interests, individual data such as date of birth, place of residence and/or donor behavior are used.

4. The provision of the aforementioned personal data is optional, but essential for the pursuit of the purposes listed above.
Lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letters b) and c) of point 3 is the execution of a contract (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR); for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the aforementioned point, in the case of non-donor Interested parties, it is the consent (Article 6, paragraph 1 letter a) GDPR), which can be revoked at any time.
When the interested party becomes a donor, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the point above is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in sending information material on projects and initiatives similar to those in which he participated (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) GDPR), notwithstanding the possibility for the Interested to exercise the right of opposition at any time.
Finally, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in point 3 lett. d) consists in the consent of the interested party (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR).

5. Personal data may be disclosed to the following authorized parties or external executives:
- police forces and judicial authorities, according to law;
- data processor external executives and persons authorized to processing under the direct authority of Data Controller or external executive.

The complete list of all external executives, who may become aware of your data in carrying out their collaboration activities with Data Controller, can be requested by email to

6. Personal data are collected directly by Data Controller from the interested party. Data will be processed in compliance with principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency. The processing is carried out through the following operations: collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, consultation, adaptation or modification, use, communication, extraction, comparison, interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction of data. Personal data are processed on paper or electronic media, with the adoption of every technical and organizational measure appropriate to ensure their security.
7. Personal data will be kept for 10 years from the last donation for the purposes referred to in lett. b) and c); for the purposes referred to in lett. a) the data will be kept for 2 years from collection, for non-donor interested parties, that is 5 years from the last donation, for interested donors; for the purposes referred to in lett. d) the data will be kept for 5 years from the last contact. Subsequently, data will be deleted or otherwise made anonymous
8. Data Controller does not transfer personal data outside the EU.

9. As an interested party in the data processing, you are entitled to the rights referred to in Articles. 15 - 22 GDPR and more precisely: access to your personal data, data correction or cancellation or limitation of processing, right to oppose the processing, in addition to data portability. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR. You can exercise the above rights, as well as the right to withdraw consent, by writing to

Data Controller
Flying Angels Foundation Onlus

Salve the date Festa di Primavera Vola al Castello

Acquista il tuo biglietto per l’evento

Per partecipare alla festa, richiediamo una donazione che andrà a finanziare il nostro Fondo Emergenza Voli, per permettere ai bambini che hanno bisogno di cure mediche urgenti di raggiungere subito gli ospedali pronto ad offrirgliele. Gli importi minimi per la partecipazione sono:




Iscrizione alla Wine Masterclass





Naturalmente, ogni contributo aggiuntivo è graditissimo e aiuterà a fare volare sempre più bambini!

Fai la tua donazione e comunicaci i dati di tutti i partecipanti.

Inserisci l’importo complessivo della tua donazione. Riceverai una email di conferma con le istruzioni per comunicarci i dati di tutti i partecipanti in modo che possiamo riservarvi il vostro posto e organizzare le attività per grandi e per piccini al meglio.

Calcola l’importo ed effettua la tua donazione.

Choose your donation amount and frequency
Fill below form with your information
Choose your donation method
Scegli il metodo di donazione

Intesta il tuo bonifico a Flying Angels Foundation

Banca Passadore
IBAN: IT73L0333201400000000949732

IBAN: IT27D0200801400000105808893

IMPORTANTE: per permetterci di attribuire correttamente la tua donazione, indica per favore il tuo nome, cognome, recapito e se desideri donare per un bambino o un volo specifico, nel campo causale del bonifico.

Terms and Conditions

Information notice on personal data processing

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation 2016/679 / EU (GDPR) and of National Data Privacy Legislation

Dear Sir / Madam, pursuant to art. 13 GDPR and the national privacy legislation in force on the subject, we hereby provide you with the following information:

1. Data Controller of personal data provided is Flying Angels Foundation Onlus, with registered office in Genoa, Via San Luca n. 2, which can be contacted by email to or by sending a registered letter to the attention of Data Controller at Flying Angels Foundation Onlus, in Genoa, Via San Luca n. 2.

2. Data Protection Officer can be contacted by sending an e-mail to;

3. Processing of donor's personal data is carried out for the pursuit of the following purpose:
a) send informative material to always be updated on the projects, initiatives, events and above all the stories of the children and missions of Data Controller, by collecting and processing personal and contact data. All the above communications will be sent by e-mail or SMS and/or by phone call if the User has entered his/her telephone number;
b) receive the possible donation and proceed with the consequent processing of payment and accounting data, by collecting and processing personal data, contact details and bank details;
c) send any report of the project / initiative / events that have been subsidised; d) propose initiatives, services and products, customized studied and designed.
To study better services and products closer to your interests, individual data such as date of birth, place of residence and/or donor behavior are used.

4. The provision of the aforementioned personal data is optional, but essential for the pursuit of the purposes listed above.
Lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letters b) and c) of point 3 is the execution of a contract (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR); for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the aforementioned point, in the case of non-donor Interested parties, it is the consent (Article 6, paragraph 1 letter a) GDPR), which can be revoked at any time.
When the interested party becomes a donor, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in letter a) of the point above is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller in sending information material on projects and initiatives similar to those in which he participated (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) GDPR), notwithstanding the possibility for the Interested to exercise the right of opposition at any time.
Finally, the lawful basis for the purposes referred to in point 3 lett. d) consists in the consent of the interested party (Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR).

5. Personal data may be disclosed to the following authorized parties or external executives:
- police forces and judicial authorities, according to law;
- data processor external executives and persons authorized to processing under the direct authority of Data Controller or external executive.

The complete list of all external executives, who may become aware of your data in carrying out their collaboration activities with Data Controller, can be requested by email to

6. Personal data are collected directly by Data Controller from the interested party. Data will be processed in compliance with principles of lawfulness, correctness and transparency. The processing is carried out through the following operations: collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, consultation, adaptation or modification, use, communication, extraction, comparison, interconnection, limitation, cancellation and destruction of data. Personal data are processed on paper or electronic media, with the adoption of every technical and organizational measure appropriate to ensure their security.
7. Personal data will be kept for 10 years from the last donation for the purposes referred to in lett. b) and c); for the purposes referred to in lett. a) the data will be kept for 2 years from collection, for non-donor interested parties, that is 5 years from the last donation, for interested donors; for the purposes referred to in lett. d) the data will be kept for 5 years from the last contact. Subsequently, data will be deleted or otherwise made anonymous
8. Data Controller does not transfer personal data outside the EU.

9. As an interested party in the data processing, you are entitled to the rights referred to in Articles. 15 - 22 GDPR and more precisely: access to your personal data, data correction or cancellation or limitation of processing, right to oppose the processing, in addition to data portability. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority pursuant to art. 77 GDPR. You can exercise the above rights, as well as the right to withdraw consent, by writing to

Data Controller
Flying Angels Foundation Onlus

Barbecue / Catering / Animazione / Musica / Gonfiabili / Lotteria / Degustazioni

Con il contributo di:

Logo Axpo - the power of energy
Grazie al contributo di Axpo, ogni donazione raccolta andrà a finanziare il nostro Fondo Emergenza Voli

Con la collaborazione di:

Logo Manuelina Catering ed eventi

Si ringrazia:

Logo Marina Roman Contemporary Tuscan Wines

La Festa d’Autunno 2023

Lo scorso anno abbiamo celebrato l’autunno al Castello di Redabue. È Stata la prima occasione di stare insieme in famiglia ed è stata una bellissima festa, di condivisione, allegria, buon cibo e tanto divertimento.

Condividi con i tuoi amici la mission di Flying Angels, affinchè sempre più bambini possano ricevere cure salvaVita.

Flying Angels Foundation è un’organizzazione non profit specializzata nel trasferimento aereo di bambine e bambini gravemente malati che necessitano di cure salvavita non disponibili nei loro paesi di origine.

Flying Angels Foundation assiste bambini provenienti da tutto il mondo e bisognosi di delicate cure specialistiche: acquista per loro e per i loro familiari i biglietti aerei necessari a raggiungere rapidamente le strutture ospedaliere più adeguate oppure finanzia il volo di équipe mediche specializzate che possano risolvere più casi assieme direttamente in loco. Collabora continuativamente con importanti organizzazioni umanitarie che segnalano le situazioni più urgenti e con numerosi medici dei principali ospedali pediatrici italiani. Per le situazioni cliniche gravissime, per cui un volo su un aereo di linea è impossibile, si ricorre ad aerei con attrezzature mediche e personale sanitario dedicati per assistere i piccoli in volo. Nel caso in cui ci sia la necessità, la Fondazione fornisce il proprio supporto per le pratiche burocratiche richieste dagli uffici consolari italiani di tutto il mondo, aprendo i contatti e fornendo la documentazione necessaria per il rilascio dei visti.