
1 year
Flight dates: 09/02/2020 (A)
05/05/2020 (R)
Miles 3.597 Miles
Company: Air France
Flight Dakar - Genova
Origin:Conakry Guinea
Hospital:Ospedale Pediatrico Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Involved ONG:Caritas diocesana Genova
Flight cost€870(A/R flight fare)

The departure

Fatoumata was born in Guinea. Since birth she has shown symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot, a cardiac pathology that cannot be treated in her country.

Thanks to our partners and supporters, Flying Angels manages to transfer her to Italy, where a specialized hospital is ready to welcome her and perform a life-changing surgery. Flying Angels also immediately offers assistance in the complex paperwork to obtain a visa, for which Fatoumata and her mother have to travel to Senegal first, before coming to Europe.


Once in Genova, Fatoumata is immediately admitted to Gaslini Hospital, but she has a bad rash on her skin, which must be cured before her cardiac surgery.
In March, Fatoumata can finally receive a CT scan and undergo a first cardiac catheterization, which then allows the medical team to plan and schedule her surgery.
On March 17th, in compliance with the sanitary regulations against Covid 19, Fatoumata undergoes a hours-long delicate cardiac surgery, which is carried out successfully.

After her surgery, Fatoumata still struggles to breathe, her recovery is slow, and she needs to be isolated to avoid a Covid infection.
Her mom and dad are by her side the whole time, while her little sister is in Dakar with her aunt.
After six months, Fatoumata will need a further catheterization. Then, the majority of flights is cancelled due to Covid-19, and travelling becomes an even bigger threat to her precarious health.
Fatoumata has to wait a long time before being reunited with her sister, but she is now much healthier than before.

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