The story of Ines

Ines was a 3-month-old baby girl. She was born in Tunisia with a congenital heart dis-ease.
The only hope for the child was a delicate and complex surgery, impossible in Tunisia due to the lack of adequate technologies and equipment for such an intervention.
She had to fly abroad, to a hospital where she could receive the necessary treatment.
The little girl was intubated and couldn’t fly on an airline, she needed an air ambulance.

There was a hospital ready to welcome her and the Flying Angels Foundation flight operation was then activated to allow the baby to be transported on an equipped and assisted plane during the entire trip by medical personnel.
It was a race against time, for the little girl every hour could make a difference. The procedures were complex and also the economic commitment: the cost for the ambulance was € 17,200.
On February 12 at 8:30 am the ambulance took off. On board, in addition to Ines and her mother, the medical staff was there, ready to give the child all the assistance necessary to ensure a safe flight even in the event of her clinical situation worsening.
Ines was operated on a few days after her arrival. The operation was successful and also the post-operative course. The little girl left, this time on a scheduled flight, on April 11th, 2019.

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